RIBO Tutoring in Toronto Area (Ontario)

In person tutor now available in Toronto.
Written by Student Success
Updated 3 years ago

With the growing popularity of our online CAIB and RIBO courses, we’re excited to announce some changes that we think will vastly improve our student experience. We’re proud to announce that we’ve brought on a partner in Ajax to deliver in-person RIBO tutoring in Toronto area.

Our online courses are hybrid programs. You study on your own but when you have questions, we have course tutors available by live chat, email, phone, etc. to answer your questions.

But we also understand that online courses aren’t always the right fit for everyone. Some people need to meet with a course tutor live or in-person in order to stay motivated. Tutoring is the perfect solution for these types of students and we’re proud to offer it now in Ontario.


Hewaida is a former student of PNC Learning who scored extremely well on her RIBO and CAIB exams in Ontario. For each exam she scored in the high 80’s and 90’s with an average CAIB exam scores of 91% across the board! On top of that, she’s very responsive to students and very knowledgeable about all sorts of insurance concepts.

We’re very excited and very lucky to have her onboard with us to help our students through the email support as well as delivering virtual classes to students all over Canada with a focus on RIBO tutoring in Toronto.


If you’re interested in signing up for some tutoring sessions, contact us or visit our tutoring page to learn more.

No matter what your study style is, we have programs available to support you, make sure you pass your exams, and start the career of your dreams.

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