CAIB Tutoring in Toronto (Ontario) & Canada

In-person CAIB tutoring in Toronto (and live virtual tutoring Canada-wide) is now available.
Written by Student Success
Updated 3 years ago

In-person CAIB tutoring in Toronto (and live virtual tutoring Canada-wide) is now available. Contact us to learn more.

It’s been many years since we first started teaching the CAIB courses locally in the Vancouver, BC area. Since then, we moved our courses online so we could reach more students.

Moving the CAIB courses online and into a self-study format, we noticed a problem. Like with most self-study courses like textbooks or online courses, students that have trouble with certain concepts are stuck by themselves with no one to help them.

In response, we launched our live chat service and began answering student questions by email, phone, WeChat, etc. as well. When we did this, we saw a big increase in our student pass rates and built better relationships with our students.


Even though our programs are delivered online primarily, there are a lot of people who benefit from in-class learning with an instructor. That’s why we’re pleased to partner with Hewaida to deliver in-person CAIB tutoring in Toronto area and live online classrooms all across Canada.


Hewaida is a student of PNC Learning who scored an average of 91% on her CAIB exams. And not only does she know the material inside and out, she is very responsive to students and really loves what she does.


You can learn more about the courses and enroll by contacting us.

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